
Spanish Freebies & Resources

Spanish FREEbies

(Some are bilingual in English and Spanish)


Lapbooks are super engaging and fun, especially for practicing Spanish! For more on lapbooks, click here.

 Five of the above lapbooks are bundled together here at an awesome discount.

Spanish QR Code Writing Prompts

If you have just one device, you can provide a super fun twist to writing prompts that will help encourage your students to love writing!

Spanish LANGUAGE MagnetMats & Readers

(These resources provide hands-on readers (color and black & white) and center mats that "make learning stick" with magnets.

The fun pack covers seven irregular Spanish present-tense verb.

Activities can also be bought individually (I also have -ar and -er & -ir verb activities down below.

This title includes a simple, catchy song entitled "Los Sentimientos by Carolina Gomez of Fun for Spanish Teachers along with three worksheets and activity cards to accompany it.
This title includes a simple, catchy song entitled "Los Sentimientos by Carolina Gomez of Fun for Spanish Teachers along with three worksheets and activity cards to accompany it.

 Spanish SCIENCE Resources

This title includes a cute mini book for students to demonstrate what they know about the four seasons. A simpler worksheet is also provided.

Use this cute, little mini-book to describe and give examples of each of the five main classes of vertebrates.

Spanish MATH Resources


  1. Thanks for sharing your lovely ideas. Gracias! :-)

  2. I have heard a lot about Spanish School Costa Rica which conducts special classes for the batch of those student who want to learn Spanish within a month. Keep sharing about the schools for Spanish because soon people will understand the importance of learning Spanish then the demand for such learning centers will increase.


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