
18 July 2013

FlapJack Classroom Materials Pack Giveaway

Hey, guys! I am finally back from Europe after 36 amazing days! Had a little scare that I might not ever make it back because it took us FOUR DAYS to get on an airplane with our standby tickets. If our experience can help anyone - do not use buddy passes to fly to Europe during peak season!

Anyways, if you'd like to see more about my trip, we have a little picture blog here.

I can't believe summer is winding down, and I haven't done any giveaways, so here's what I'm going to do until the end of July.

FlapJack Classroom Material Packs Giveaway

Every day through July 31st, I am going to randomly pick a winner who has entered the Rafflecopter below to choose any one of my 8 classroom material packs. That winner will be notified via the email they list in their Rafflecopter entry or entries. The last winner will be notified on August 1st. Good luck!

Be sure to follow my Facebook page because I also plan on doing a lot of flash sales and freebies during this time.

Thanks for playing!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
  Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Wow, thanks for the opportunity!

  2. What an awesome giveaway...I hope I win!!

  3. Great giveaway! I hope I am one of the lucky ones!

  4. Wonderful post...I really like your amazing blog.*__*
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  5. Ah, great! Tuition Worldwide is also in the queue.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts here at FlapJack!