
07 June 2013

Easy Parent Thank You Digital Cards with Punchbowl

Have a lot of parent thank-you cards to write here at the end of the year? Trying to motivate yourself but just can't? Do all your parents have email addresses?

If so, try Punchbowl!

It's a cute, non-tacky way to send digital cards that look real, envelope and all!

Click on the card to see an example I made and sent to my partner teacher about using this for our parent thank-you cards.

So, how it works:

First, I went to Punchbowl (it's free but you have to create an account) and scrolled down to the Thank You link.

Then, I scrolled down and found this adorable learning-themed card. I'm sure there are other school-related ones (like that boring Twilight look-alike apple card :P), but this was cute enough for me.

Now for the creating fun! First, you can change the front title if you wish. I went for "muchas gracias" since I teach Spanish immersion.

Then, you get to customize your message.

Lastly, you can change design aspects of your envelope in a really cute way.

Digital stamps, anyone? Yes, please!

Now, you just need the email address for the parent and a subject heading for your email. Click send, and it's on its way!

Ok, here is the super cool, time-saving feature about this site - if you click on "Make a copy," it will open up the same exact card with your previous cover title, inside message, envelope design, and subject heading. What does that mean? All you have to do is change your inside message a bit, add the parent email, and you've already completed another card!

It took me about 20 minutes to do 16 cards. And the best thing about it...? It's done! I don't have to lick envelopes, buy stamps, pray Billy gets the card to his parents - nada! My time is now freed up to do other things, like write blog posts and buy the new S'mores blizzard from Dairy Queen (true story and it's amazing!).

I hope you all have an awesome summer! How do you work smarter and not harder when it comes to sending mass thank-you cards? Let me know!


  1. I LOVE this! I am so going to use it next year! Thanks for sharing!
    Confessions of a Teaching Junkie

  2. How smart! The cards are just adorable! I will definitely be using them! Thank you for sharing! :)))
    - Vilena
    Classroom in Paradise


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