
10 October 2011

Monster Graph Freebie at the Organized Classroom Blog

I have a new love. Un amor muy profundo. It's round, colorful, What is it? It's not my husband or my dog, although I love them both dearly. It's....the....bottle cap! I love each and every one! I literally salivate (I really hate using that word, but I'm too lazy to go to at the sight of milk jugs, soda bottles, peanut butter jars, and shampoo bottles, and I can't wait to yank their caps off. I have found so many uses for bottle caps this year in my classroom, and I'm sure my school thinks of me as the Bottle Cap Nut, but I really can't help it! Maybe I need an intervention (my husband would probably agree). By the way, did you catch my Answer Keepers bottle cap post?

So, anyways, what's my point? Charity Preston from the OC Blog has been kind enough to allow me to guest blog for her during the 2011-2012 school year, so my first post of course is about bottle caps. And monsters. And math. And a nice little freebie at the end.

So, please click the monsters below and check it out. It's a fun, green activity, just in time for the Halloween season.

1 comment:

  1. AAAH, I have found a fellow bottle top junkie!! I haven't yet salivated (hehe) at bottle tops , but I do get very excited at all their possibilities. I've been referred to as the "Bottle Top Queen" :)

    I have been pinning some of your wonderful ideas to my Bottle Top pinboards on Pinterest. I hope that's ok.

    I also hope it's ok that I leave you with a link to my bottle top posts on my blog. I hope you'll pop by and come and see what I've been up to with them.

    Oh, before I forget, I absolutely LOVE these wonderful Bottle Top Monsters!! They are definitely on my holiday to do list.

    Take care,


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