
13 September 2011

Five of my Top Blogs (some great ones for teaching Spanish!)

A big thanks to Scipi at Go Figure for nominating me as one of her top 10 blogs! That made my day! So, I'm following the bandwagon and nominating five blogs of my own that I really enjoy. I hope you'll visit them if you haven't before. Happy teaching!

Great bilingual resources from K-2nd


Yay for dual language! Pamela teaches the little ones all in Spanish. ¡Increible!

I have gotten several great ideas for my science class from this blog.
Spanish Plans
Lots of great resources for Spanish teachers.

Math AND Spanish resources. Right up my alley!


  1. Wow! Thank you so much for the nomination! I am glad that my science resources have helped you out!

  2. Awww, thank you Sra. Carro! It's nice to see that you are able to use my resources.

  3. Can't believe it! Gracias maestra! What an honor :)


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