
19 December 2012

Five Hundred Followers Freebie & Heart Chain Activity by The Primary Techie

Today was a really beautiful day for me. First, it was the last day before Christmas vacation, and I always  dread party days because it's out of the normal routine. However, thanks to some amazing parents, the party went so smooth, and I actually enjoyed myself!

However, one sweet student didn't get to enjoy it. She instead was at the hospital having her adenoids removed. Her mother emailed me, letting me know she would be absent, that her daughter was pretty nervous, and asking if the students could make a card for her. I had just come across this super neat activity by The Primary Techie for creating a Sandy Hook Memorial out of linked hearts. My students and I adapted this for her, and it turned out very cute.

 Students wrote in Spanish and English

BUT.....I forgot to send the hearts (stuffed in an envelope) with her sister to take home! So, seeing as I was finally on break for the holidays, I decided to make the visit to her house with my husband and dog in tow to deliver the hearts. She seemed truly happy that I had come, and she hung the hearts from the ceiling in her bedroom. The chain reached all the way to the floor and then some!

It was such a nice experience. I think seeing that you have the ability to brighten someone's day really gives you such a sense of self-worth and purpose. And it makes you so grateful to the precious children that appreciate you and boost your self-esteem on a regular basis.

So, speaking of brightening someone's day, each of you 500 followers have brightened my day! I want you to know that with this freebie consisting of Christmas thank-you cards that you can print out and personalize for students, friends, and family who have given you gifts this holiday season.

And of course it's owl-themed. Not for me, but for my partner teacher who is incredibly awesome and ridiculously obsessed with those wide-eyed birds.

Just click on the image for your download. A Spanish version is also provided for my Spanish teacher friends.

¡Have a wonderful Christmas y que la pasen super bien!

Tabitha Carro


  1. How sweet for you to hand deliver the hearts!!! AND, love the freebie! Excellent timing!
    Growing Firsties

  2. I love your freebie - especially that it is in Spanish too! Now my kids and their families will be able to understand how thankful I am! :)


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