
29 June 2012

Spanish Freebie & Blog Swap & Hop

With more free time now in the summer, I've actually managed to do a couple of guest blog posts. That's really quite a feat for someone who seems to get writer's blog every...time...I the computer! Geez! I blame it on learning Spanish later in life, but that's a pretty lame excuse.

So, Guest Post #1: Spanish Vocabulary Cube

It's already up and published at Krista's Second Grade Super Kids blog. You'll see how we used cubes to practice Spanish vocabulary in my classroom and you can pick up your own free copy (click image).

Guest Post #2: Getting to Know You Cootie Catcher

This will be published Saturday at Mrs. V's Adventures in Learning via the Blog Swap & Hop. This is where a group of teachers are guest blogging on each other's blogs with lots of fun tips and freebies. I'll be sure to share when my post is published because I think it's a freebie you would enjoy using with your students at the beginning of the year (not that we're thinking about that yet! :P).

I also have two other guest posts in the works, and I'll be sure to update when those happen..........Oh gosh, writer's block is creeping up again :(......time to get back to working on my next themed classroom pack. Here's a little image from the pack.

How about....the first person to comment and tell me what the theme is will get a free copy of the whole pack when it's done. Let's see if anybody actually made it through this whole post! Cause I almost didn't!


  1. Looks like a jungle theme??? I'm heading that way myself for the new year. misha_113 at yahoo dot com

  2. Yay! I have a reader, haha! And you're right! Give me a day or two, and I'll send you the pack. Thanks, Misha!

  3. La selva! It's beautiful! Incluyera las letras de español? Yo acabo de comprar el juego the los buos y me encanto, pero no incluyo las letras de español. Talvez este pidiendo mucho, pero podra hacer por favor, las letras de español en el set de los buos tambien? Muchas gracias

    Me encanta mucho su trabajo, muchas gracias por compartir su gran talento con nosotros. :)

  4. I'm so glad I have found a blog with actual useful and relevant Spanish materials!


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