
11 December 2011

New Blog "My Green Classroom" and Freebie!!

I am so excited!!! My new blog, "The Green Classroom," is finally up and running! How did I come up with the idea to do this blog?

Well, last summer I watch the documentary "Bag It" just by accident really. I was laying on the couch with my hubby being lazy and it just happened to be on. Well, Like seriously. To the point where I began to refuse straws at restaurants (and if I forget, I keep them afterwards, disgusting, I know!), got depressed when I forgot to bring reusable bags at Walmart, and even grabbed plastic bottles out of a colleague's trashcan to put in the recycling bin when she wasn't in her room (I'm a little shady, sorry!)

So, I've always been soooo nonchalant about school communities, but this year, before school even started, I went up to Sra. Shealy (a.k.a. the Green Queen or la Reina de Reciclaje), and I asked to be put on the school's green team. There I have come into contact with several amazing teachers who are showing me the ropes of what it really means to be green. I have so much to learn, but it's really all about just taking one step at a time in the right direction. You don't have to start off sprinting.

I don't want to preach, but it really is ridiculous the enormity of plastic we are using here in the US for no dang good reason! And from what I've heard, many things we think are recyclable actually aren't. Or they barely are, and they get shipped off to China so women and children can do our dirty work.

Oh my goodness, I'm preaching! I live in the South, so ya'll will have to forgive me. Anyways, the whole point of this bunny trail post is that we as teachers can make a difference! It really is important! If you have seen the light about the necessity of being green like I have, then you are probably already trying to actively reuse materials in your classroom and educate your students on the important of taking care of the earth.

There are so many teachers already doing just that, so The Green Classroom blog is really just a database for teachers to share their green ideas or find ones they need for specific materials or subject areas. I hope that you will stop by, become a follower, and even contribute! That would make my day. And I think the earth might even smile a bit! :P

Oh, and the freebie. Go to the Organized Classroom blog, and there you will find a free title for making cupcake number word lids. There are no real cupcakes involved. Sorry!

Thanks for reading! Happy Teaching!

1 comment:

  1. The eklablog is excellent network i appreciate on hard work.


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