
31 October 2011

Multiplication Ball for $1.50

I came across those Clever Catch balls recently and really loved the idea but couldn't afford the price. So, yesterday at my within-walking-distance Dollar General in SC, I came across these small segmented balls for $1.50.

With just a Sharpie marker, I turned them into a not so professional but just as effective multiplication catch ball.

I plan on having students toss them to each other, having to answer whatever fact is under their left or right thumb.

As you may have noticed, I bought three balls because there are so many ways I am sure I will want to use these in my classroom. Maybe place value by writing numbers and underlining a certain digit whose place value students must name. We are now discussing decimals, so I might write decimals and have students name the equivalent fraction or vice versa. I might also use them for Spanish vocabulary and/or verb conjugation. Or I might go to Clever Catch Balls' website and "steal" some of their ideas.

But first I'd better make sure this game doesn't end up becoming more of a dodgeball game than a learning game. We shall see!


  1. That's awesome. And the right price. ;) Thanks for posting at Math Monday!
    Cindy @ love2learn2day

  2. I love the Clever Catch balls! The one I saw had different scenarios with bullying behaviors and you had to think of what you would do if you were the victim or the bystander. LOVE how you made your own CC ball!

    The Corner On Character

  3. Thanks to both of you! We played it yesterday, and they had so much fun (and I was able to see who didn't know their facts that I thought did, yikes!). I had to try really hard not to crack up at some of my 4th graders coordination skills which are obviously still in development!

  4. Has anyone found whether the marker stays on after many sweaty hands catch it? I'd hate to put all the work into making some, then find they don't last...

  5. Beach balls works great also. A little bigger for the less coordinate.


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